Try 5 mg of yohimbine (HCL) 2 hours before the workout.
Goals: Fat Loss, Libido Enhancement
May Increase Fatty-Acid Mobilization†, Blood Flow†, and Workout Aggression†
HCl has been one of the most popular supplements for men and women for years.
Its popularity stems from its ability to help promote the mobilization of fatty
acids from stubborn fat stores. Additionally, Yohimbine exerts an array of
effects on male libido†.
Supporting Information:
Mar 18, 2010 ... Having problems getting really ripped? Whatever you're thinking of doing, taking enormous doses of yohimbine is not a good idea.
More Reading:
Yohimbine HCl has a very short half-life of only around 1 – 1.5 hours. This means that after around 3 hours its effects should have worn off entirely.
How To Take Yohimbine HCl - LiftMode
Yerba Mate, Yohimbine & Yucca - Potent Fat or ... - SuppVersity
Jun 15, 2013 - Yerba Mate, Yohimbine & Yucca - Potent Fat or Unhealthy Money Burners? Tea Catechins Were Yesterday, Saponins Are the Future!