Ask your grandpa what he takes for his
ballooning prostate or an old timer for a natural allergy treatment and they
are likely to say stinging nettles. Tim Ferriss puts it on his pizza but our
interest is in adding muscle. To add muscle testosterone has to be free flowing
and ready to entry muscle.
That’s where this South American herb
shines. Stinging Nettle aka urtica dioica aka divanil frees testosterone from a
protein called sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). Testosterone has to
be free in order to interact with androgen receptors in muscle tissue.
It’s probably your safest bet to increase testosterone
with maybe the exception of diet and exercise. It is also very inexpensive.
Try 100-500mg 2-3
times per day on an empty stomach for 8 weeks before taking a 2 - 4 week break.
10 Supps You Never Thought Of. Jackson, Dwayne. Stoppani,
Jim. Joe Weider's Muscle & Fitness.
May2007, Vol. 68 Issue 5, p129-132. 4p. 1 Color Photograph, 2 Charts.
Gonzalez, Adam. "Testosterone in all its forms: consider trying a
range of these testosterone-boosting supplements." Joe Weider's Muscle
& Fitness Dec. 2013: 118+.
Stoppani, Jim. "T-up: 5 ways to boost your testosterone level." Joe
Weider's Muscle & Fitness Apr. 2012: 86.