The FLYUP™ is capable of doing both functional fitness training (multiple muscles/joints at once) and isometric training (single joint movement) to meet the goals and needs of all individuals who are looking to stay fit. The FLYUP™ exercises can be modified by doing movements on your knees or by using one side of the body at a time (unilateral movement), so that it can be used by the beginner, the advanced athlete, and everyone in between. You can get a total body workout without having to to spend hundreds of dollars on dumbbells or home gyms that take up half a room. This isn't a gimmick like the shake weight. We don't claim you are going to get completely ripped in 30 days or anything crazy. What we do know is that you will be able to get in a killer workout at home, in the office, or in a hotel room on the road. Give The FLYUP™ a try today and then let us know how it has helped you stay fit.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Product Review: My Garcinia Cambogia Experiment
Why I am
jumping on the Garcinia Cambogia bandwagon.
positive reviews from both people I know and on the web.
The below
list of benefits reported:
Inhibits production of fat.
Increases serotonin levels resulting in less carbohydrate
Appetite suppression.
Cortisol management.
Increase in lean muscle mass.
Decrease in fat mass.
Decreased total cholesterol.
Increase HDL cholesterol.
Positive influence on leptin resistance and insulin
Effect on body is supposed to work up to 2 hours after a
How to take:
Potassium and/or calcium increases absorption.
Take 1,500-3,000mg per day. Maximum short-term up to 6,000mg
Look for a minimum 50% HCA
Take 30 to 60 minutes before eating or it will bind to the
meal and will not work.
I decided that it is time for an experiment. Yep, jumping on the Dr. Oz Garcinia Cambogia bandwagon. I am starting with Citrimax form. Two capsules contain 1,500 mg at 50% hydroxycitric acid (HCA).
I am taking 2 capsules 30 minutes to 1 hour before each of my main meals for a total of 4,500 mg per day.
Taking 2 breakfast, 2 lunch, 2 dinner.
Date/Weight (lbs)
4/7/14 / 238
4/14/14 / 236
4/21/14 / 228 (4 caps/ 4 / 3 for 4,125 mg HCA)
4/28/14 / 225 (2 caps/ 2 / 2 for 1,500 mg HCA)
5/5/14 / 225 (2 caps/ 2 / 2 for 1,500 mg HCA)
5/12/14 / 222 (2 caps/ 2 / 2 for 1,500 mg HCA)
5/19/14 / 222 (2 caps/ 2 / 2 for 1,500 mg HCA)
5/26/14 / 224 (2 caps/ 2 / 2 for 1,500 mg HCA)
Going to 3/3/4 caps for week of 5/26 to 6/2.
Other Information:

The primary active compound in Garcinia Cambogia is Hydroxycitric Acid, alleged to reduce body weight via inhibition of ATP Citrate Lysase
— (@SuppWithThatcom) April 30, 2014
Q: What is ATP Citrate Lysase?
A: An enzyme required for the synthesis of fatty acids from carbohydrates ( de novo lipogenisis).
— (@SuppWithThatcom) April 30, 2014
Aggressive Strength Natural Testosterone Booster
Elliott Hulse's Lean Hybrid Muscle Reloaded - Build Muscle & Burn Fat
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone: SuppVersity EMG Series - Optimized Tricep Routine
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone: SuppVersity EMG Series - M. Triceps Brachii: The B...: Image 1: The m. triceps brachii . As if you did not know where to find your "horseshoes" ;-) After last week's issue on l...
triceps development (based on EMG measures) would yet be as follows
An EMG-optimized
There is of course a myriad of ways of
combining the individual exercises, my personal recommendation for overall triceps development (based on EMG measures) would yet be as follows
- SZ-bar triceps extensions*, 6-10 reps *alternate lying and seated variety
- Cable push downs, 8-12 reps, straight bar or v-bar
- Bench Dips (cf. image 5), to failure
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone: SuppVersity EMG Series - Best Leg Routine
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone: SuppVersity EMG Series - Gluteus maximus, Quadrice...: Actually, it would make as much sense to split this part of the SuppVersity EMG Series in two, if not three individual analyses, as it woul...
An EMG-optimized routine There is of course a myriad of ways of combining the individual exercises, my personal recommendation for overall leg development (based on EMG measures) would yet be as follows*:
An EMG-optimized routine There is of course a myriad of ways of combining the individual exercises, my personal recommendation for overall leg development (based on EMG measures) would yet be as follows*:
- Squats - to parallel (70°), 6-10 reps
- Hack squats - to 90°, 8-12 reps
- Leg curls - peak contract. or partials, 10-12 reps Superset:
- Donkey calf raise - peak contract., 12 reps
- Seated calf raise - partials, 12 reps Optional
- Adductor machine - 12-15 reps
- Abductor machine - 12-15 reps
Monday, April 28, 2014
A Five Week Vince Gironda Style Bodybuilding Plan
I’m a weird
dude. I occasionally like to try something that was done 50 years or more ago.
For example, growing and eating heirloom vegetables. Fishing with old equipment
or trying a not often used exercise routine.
As such, I’ve
tried some golden age bodybuilding routines and obtained some new soreness and
hopefully new growth.
Here’s my
latest idea. Marry Vince Gironda’s set and rep schemes to my Hammer Strength
machine workouts.
The rules are as follows.
1. Adhere as closely as possible to a
full body split.
2. One exercise per muscle group.
3. Short rest periods. 15 – 60 seconds
4. Feel free to change all of this.
Week 1 – Do 10x10 for each muscle group. That’s 10
set of 10 reps. I would say start with 50% for your normal 10 rep max (10RM)
Week 2 - Do 8x8 with 60% of 10RM
Week 3 – Do 6x6 with 70% of 10RM
Week 4 – Do 10-8-6-15 reps
10 reps of 50% of a 6RM
8 reps of 75% of a 6RM
6 reps of 100% of a 6RM
15 reps of 35% of a 6RM
Week 5 – Do 15x4 – 15 sets of 4 reps pyramiding up
and down the stack
Week 6 –
Rest or deload and take selfies of the gains!
T Nation: The Gironda System by Christian Thibaudeau | 06/08/06
T Nation: The Gironda System by Christian Thibaudeau | 06/08/06
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone: SuppVersity EMG Series - Rectus Abdominis, Oblique...
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone: SuppVersity EMG Series - Rectus Abdominis, Oblique...: Image 1: There is more to a strong core than just the m. rectus abdominis aka 'the abs' (red); its imperative to train your obli...
An EMG-optimized routine
There is of course a myriad of ways of combining the individual exercises, my personal recommendation for overall core development (based on EMG measures) would yet be as follows*:
perform another rep with perfect form You may alternate that with:
An EMG-optimized routine
There is of course a myriad of ways of combining the individual exercises, my personal recommendation for overall core development (based on EMG measures) would yet be as follows*:
- Crunches < 20 reps; vary arm / hand position or add weight + peak contractions to build intensity without going past max. 25 reps
- Leg raises < 15 reps; vary according to exercise tip #1; do at least one of your sets with your legs / torso rotating sideways, alternate left and right
- Deadlift variety 10-12 controlled reps; select the deadlift variety you feel isolates your lower back best
perform another rep with perfect form You may alternate that with:
- Kneeling cable crunch < 15 reps; add weight whenever possible
- Side bends < 15 reps; add weight if necessary, be cautious not to
bend over or go into hyperlordosis - Hyperextensions** < 12 reps, with proper form + peak
contraction; add weight if necessary
Sunday, April 27, 2014
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone: SuppVersity EMG Series - Latissimus, Trapezius & M...
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone: SuppVersity EMG Series - Latissimus, Trapezius & M...: Image 1: The major muscle groups of the back - trapezius (red) and latissimus dorsi (green) In this issue of the SuppVersity EMG Se...
An EMG-optimized routine There is of course a myriad of ways of combining the individual exercises, my personal recommendation for impressive back development (based on EMG data) would yet be as follows:
- Pull ups to the neck - for lat development + all those hidden stabilizing muscles a full body movement such as the pull up activates (5-10 reps / use additional weight or rest-pause if you can do more / less)
- Narrow underhand grip pull-down to the sternum (in contracted position pull elbows back as much as possible) - to fully exhaust the lats (8-12 reps)
- DB shrugs (use peak contractions) - for upper trap development (10-12 reps) Super Set = go from 4 to 5 without rest, rest after 5, repeat
- Reverse fly 90° (preferably on a machine like the one in image 4) - for mid trap development (10-12 reps)
- DB reverse fly 110° (use light weights, feel the burn!) - for lower trap development (do to failure, up the weight if you can do 15+)
Friday, April 25, 2014
Met-rx Swimsuit Stack
Met-Rx Liquid L-Carnitine 1500Helps the body convert food to energy. Promotes recovery from high intensity exercise. Supports endurance exercise. Met-Rx L-Carnitine 1500 is one of the most versatile supplement available - perfect for runners, weightlifters, athletes and anyone trying to get into better shape. Carnitine helps the body convert food to energy - providing support for endurance exercise (aerobic) and during recovery from high intensity activities such as weightlifting and sprinting (anaerobic). Supplementing with our fast-acting liquid formula helps to maximize muscle carnitine concentrations at the gym or before athletic competition. Our formula is further enhanced with a high potency dosage of pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5). Once pantothenic acid is converted into coenzyme A in the body, it works directly with carnitine to convert food to energy - providing synergistic support.
Met-Rx Extra Strong Green Tea Extract
Intensify Your Workouts
The synergistic blend of polyphenols and caffeine from Green Tea work together to give you an energizing jolt whenever you need it. Taken before your workouts, Extra Strength Green Tea Extract will have you tearing through your training routine - set after set and rep after rep. So if you're tired of the same old energy formulas that load you up with 100 different ingredients – reach for the time-tested benefits of Green Tea Extract pushed to the max.
Fat Burner,
Fat Loss,
Green Tea,
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone: SuppVersity EMG Series - Biceps Brachii: The Very ...
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone: SuppVersity EMG Series - Biceps Brachii: The Very ...: Image 1: The biceps brachii attaches directly to the shoulder joint ( Användare:Chriz @ Wikipedia) As its name already implies, the bi-...
An EMG-optimized routineThere is of course a myriad of ways of
combining the individual exercises, my personal recommendation for overall
biceps development (based on EMG measures) would yet be as follows
An EMG-optimized routineThere is of course a myriad of ways of
combining the individual exercises, my personal recommendation for overall
biceps development (based on EMG measures) would yet be as follows
- Barbell curls - straight bar, supinated shoulder wide grip; explosive
concentric, controlled excentric movements, high loads, 6-8 reps - Scott curls - campered bar, supinated narraw grip; full stretch at
the bottom; medium load, 8-10 reps - Dumbbell concentration curls - switch between supinated and hammer
grip; medium load or supramaximal load (use sparingly) 10 reps (use other arm
for assistance, if needed)
Thursday, April 24, 2014
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone: SuppVersity EMG Series - Musculus Pectoralis Major...
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone: SuppVersity EMG Series - Musculus Pectoralis Major...: Image 1: The pectoralis major. ( Avandäre:Chrizz @ Wikipedia) I don't know about you, but about everyone I know (myself included) ...
development (based on EMG measures) would yet be as follows
An EMG-optimized routineThere is of course a myriad of ways of
combining the individual exercises, my personal recommendation for overall chest development (based on EMG measures) would yet be as follows
- Decline Bench Press (BB) - for overall chest development + strength
(5-10 reps) - Incline Bench Press at +45° (DB) - to emphasize upper chest (8-12
reps) - Cable Cross (making sure to actually cross the cables before your
torso) - to get a stretch and peak contractions (12-15 reps) - Bodyweight dips - to wear the muscle out (3 sets to failure)
How Ron N. Stays Ripped and Keeps His Gains (Updated)
Ron just missed his pro-card in 2011. Ron almost quit competing because he felt he lost to much muscle on the chicken and green been diet. Well his trainer made the below tweaks and Ron is really happy.
He's ripped to the bone. A natural bodybuilder who is over 40.
I asked him how he gets so lean before a competition and here's what he told me.
No protein powders when he's cutting.
Old: H e eats this every 2 hours.
He's ripped to the bone. A natural bodybuilder who is over 40.
I asked him how he gets so lean before a competition and here's what he told me.
No protein powders when he's cutting.
200 grams of chicken breast
150 grams green beans
New: H e eats this every 2 hours.
6 - 8 oz 80/20 Hamburger
Brussel Sprouts or Asparagus or Broccoli
Natural Bodybuilding,
Ron N,
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone: Colostrum Maintains Testosterone, Cortisol and Hea...
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone: Colostrum Maintains Testosterone, Cortisol and Hea...: Legal gear fresh from the udder? If it works for cyclist, it must be real ;-) Some of you will probably remember the corresponding insta...
Bottom line: The scientists state it in their conclusion "the number of participants in this pilot study was small", too small for my liking, so that it is - as a standalone - simply not enough to prove anything.
The scientists are yet right that "the present data support the potential for bovine CPC supplementation to maintain testosterone concentrations and influence heart rate variability response" in a training regimen that is notorious for its negative impact on the central nervous system and the HPTA. "Support" and "potential" - not more, but not less either.
Nature gave you a strong immune defense network, but that system gets depleted as you age. Normal physical and mental stress can also wear down your defenses. Colostrum is the only supplement you can take to add back antibodies and action support in the bloodstream and also in the GI tract. It helps maintain a robust intestinal lining and promote healthy intestinal flora. Colostrum Plus supports muscle growth.
Colostrum provides over 100 beneficial components including several growth factors and cytokine precursors that you can't get from any other supplement to enhance stamina and support normal re-growth of lean muscle and tissue. Clinical studies show wide ranging health benefits for Colostrum including a significant increase in lean body mass and increases in anaerobic power, performance time, and sprint performance when compared to whey. Clinical studies also demonstrate the superiority of the ingredient in Symbiotics Colostrum Plus over other Colostrum sources.
Symbiotics guarantees per serving minimums of 1.5% Lactoferrin (14 mg), 25% Immunoglobulins (240 mg IG), and 3% Proline-Rich Polypeptides (29 mg PRP), Colostrum's most important component. Our unique Bio-lipid coating insures bioavailability. Without this protective layer, other Colostrums can be destroyed by stomach acids and offer limited benefit. We use only the first 2 milkings to guarantee potency and quality. Quality and Purity Guaranteed – We guarantee that this product meets the highest standards of quality, purity and freshness. Each bottle is safety sealed with an outer neckband. Do not use if neckband is broken or missing.
Bottom line: The scientists state it in their conclusion "the number of participants in this pilot study was small", too small for my liking, so that it is - as a standalone - simply not enough to prove anything.
The scientists are yet right that "the present data support the potential for bovine CPC supplementation to maintain testosterone concentrations and influence heart rate variability response" in a training regimen that is notorious for its negative impact on the central nervous system and the HPTA. "Support" and "potential" - not more, but not less either.
- Shing CM, Peake JM, Suzuki K, Jenkins DG, Coombes JS. A pilot study: bovine
colostrum supplementation and hormonal and autonomic responses to competitive
cycling. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2013 Oct;53(5):490-501.
Nature gave you a strong immune defense network, but that system gets depleted as you age. Normal physical and mental stress can also wear down your defenses. Colostrum is the only supplement you can take to add back antibodies and action support in the bloodstream and also in the GI tract. It helps maintain a robust intestinal lining and promote healthy intestinal flora. Colostrum Plus supports muscle growth.
Colostrum provides over 100 beneficial components including several growth factors and cytokine precursors that you can't get from any other supplement to enhance stamina and support normal re-growth of lean muscle and tissue. Clinical studies show wide ranging health benefits for Colostrum including a significant increase in lean body mass and increases in anaerobic power, performance time, and sprint performance when compared to whey. Clinical studies also demonstrate the superiority of the ingredient in Symbiotics Colostrum Plus over other Colostrum sources.
Symbiotics guarantees per serving minimums of 1.5% Lactoferrin (14 mg), 25% Immunoglobulins (240 mg IG), and 3% Proline-Rich Polypeptides (29 mg PRP), Colostrum's most important component. Our unique Bio-lipid coating insures bioavailability. Without this protective layer, other Colostrums can be destroyed by stomach acids and offer limited benefit. We use only the first 2 milkings to guarantee potency and quality. Quality and Purity Guaranteed – We guarantee that this product meets the highest standards of quality, purity and freshness. Each bottle is safety sealed with an outer neckband. Do not use if neckband is broken or missing.
Nutrition Facts †Serving Size 1/3 ScoopServings Per Container 620 | ||
Amount Per Serving | ||
Serving | % DV | |
Colostrum Plus | 960 mg | - |
*percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. | ||
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. †Nutritions Facts are a simulation of the product "Nutrition Label". For the actual Nutrition Label please refer to the product packaging. |
Mix 1/3 scoop twice daily with water or your drink of choice, on a empty stomach. (3 g scoop included). Triple this amount in times of environmental or physical stress. For children, cut these servings sizes in half. For athletic training and recovery purposes, it is safe to ingest up to 7 scoops (21 g) per day.Warnings
Suitable for lactose-free diets. Contains milk. Close tightly and store in a dry place at room temperature.SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone: Ask Dr. Andro: Are Colostrum and Milk Products in ...
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone: Ask Dr. Andro: Are Colostrum and Milk Products in ...: Image 1: Colostrum and other milk products Milky muscle builders or murky allergens? (image from SportRevue 6/2010) Question from Pet...
Physiological Effect / Classification | Compound(s) |
Opioid agonists (decrease gastric mobility, increase electrolyte and amino acid uptake) | α- ,β-caseins, α-lactalbumin, β-lactoglobulin, serum albumin |
ACE inhibitors (increase blood flow to intestinal epithelium) | α- ,β-caseins |
Mineral binding (increase absorption) | α- ,β-caseins |
Immunomodulators (increase immune response and phagocytic activity) | α- ,β-caseins, gG, IgA, lactoferrin, glycolipids, oligosaccharides, prolactin, cytokines |
Antimicrobial | αs1 and s2-casein, lactoferrin, oligosaccharides, prolactin |
Antithrombotic | κ-casein |
Probiotic | κ-casein, lactoferrin, oligosaccharides |
Opioid antagonist | κ-casein, lactoferrin |
Organ development and function | IGF-1, TGF-α, EGF, TGF-β |
Increase calcium metabolism and uptake | Parathromone - P |
Table 1: Milk as a
"functional food". Physiological effects and their respective
triggers. (adapted from Schanbacher. 1998; Meisel. 1998 and Clare. 2000) |
Author(s) | Result(s) |
Ferguson-Stegall. 2011b | "CM [chocolate milk] postexercise improves aerobic power and body composition more effectively than CHO [carbohydrate] alone" |
Ferguson-Stegall. 2011a | "CM supplementation can improve subsequent exercise performance and provide a greater intracellular signaling stimulus for PRO synthesis compared to CHO and placebo" |
Gilson. 2010 | "CM provided similar muscle recovery responses to an isocaloric CHO beverage during four-days of ITD [increased training duration]. Future studies should investigate if the attenuated CK [creatine kinase = marker of muscle damage] levels observed with CM have functional significance during more demanding periods of training" |
Pritchett. 2009 | "These findings indicate no difference between CHOC and this commercial beverage as potential recovery aids for cyclists between intense workouts." |
Thomas. 2009 | "Participants cycled 51% and 43% longer after ingesting CM (32 +/- 11 min) than after ingesting [commercially available] CR [carbohydrate drink] (21 +/- 8 min) or FR [fluid replacement drink] (23 +/- 8 min)" |
Carp. 2006 | "[...] chocolate milk is an effective recovery aid between two exhausting exercise bouts" |
Table 2: A selection of recent studies on the ergogenic effects of (chocolate-)milk |
Author(s) | Result(s) |
Shing. 2006 | "[10g/day] bovine CPC [colostrum concentrate] supplementation elicited improvements in TT40 [40 km time trial] performance during an HIT period and maintained ventilatory threshold following five consecutive days of HIT" |
Buckley. 2003 | same increase in peak power for 60g colostrum as with whey protein; no increase in IGF1 |
Brinkworth. 2004a | "[cross sectional area of biceps increased more in trainees supplemented with 60g bovine colostrum than in whey control, but that was] due principally to a greater increase in skin and subcutaneous fat (SSF) CSA" |
Buckley. 2003 | same increase in peak power for 60g colostrum as with whey protein; no increase in IGF1 |
Buckley. 2002b | "[...] latively few scientifically controlled studies have been conducted. The limited evidence that is currently available suggests that BC supplementation can increase lean body mass and improve exercise performance and recovery for a number of athletic activities, but an understanding of the mechanism by which this supplement exerts these effects remains elusive" |
Buckley. 2002a | "[...] supplementation with intact powder did not increase plasma IGF-I concentrations or improve performance during an initial bout of incremental running to exhaustion in our sample. However, performance during a second bout of exercise may be improved by as much as 5.2% in the average subject after 8 weeks of supplementation, possibly due to an enhancement of recovery" |
Coombes. 2002 | "Oral bovine colostrum supplementation at 20 g or 60 g/d provided a small but significant improvement in time trial performance in cyclists after a 2-h ride at 65% VO2max." [improvements were 20g colostrum+40g whey 60g+ colostrum 60g+ whey] |
Antonio. 2001 | "[...]supplementation with bovine colostrum (20 g/d) in combination with exercise training for 8 wk may increase bone-free lean body mass [+1.5 kg, while whey-placebo group increased overall BM by +2 kg] in active men and women." |
Mero. 1997 | "appears that a bovine colostrum supplement (Bioenervi) may increase serum IGF-I concentration in athletes during strength and speed training" (cf. discussion in the text) |
Table 2: A selection of studies on the ergogenic effects of colostrum |
- colostrum (skimmed) contains roughly 19x more androgens and 213x more estrogens than whole milk
- for milk and colostrum the full fat variety tends to have generally higher levels of both androgens and estrogens - for colostrum, for example the fat fraction contains 10x androgens and 10x more estrogens than the skimmed variety, which is also used as a base for most powdered colostrum supplements
- in the case of milk, the ratio of androgens to estrogens (AE-ratio) drops by -34% during the skimming process; in fact, skimmed milk contains more estradiol (per liter) than whole milk.
Will milk and/or colostrum kill you? No.
Will milk and/or colostrum make you look like Jay Cutler and
unbreakable like Bruce Willis aka David Dunn in the Y2K thriller Unbreakable
within days? Certainly not.
Well, I guess these are the two polar extremes of the preliminary conclusion to this "Ask Dr. Andro" segment and, as it is so often the case, the truth lies somewhere in between. I cannot
tell you your exact position on the death to ultimate health continuum as far as
your personal reaction to dairy consumption is concerned, I can only tell you
that even if your genetic polymorphisms allow you to consume dairy, the
chance that replacing your whey protein by a 6x more expensive colostrum powder
will make a beneficial difference in how you look, feel and perform are
I am not so sure however, if you would not see some, if only psychological (placebo) benefits if you mixed that whey into some real, i.e. whole, liquid and not powdered, 1st day colostrum you bought the very same day from your local farmer ;o)
That being said, I could certainly go on forever on milk, organic milk, milk from happy and milk from pasteur fed cows, the effects of soy on the milk you consume, raw milk, 1st day and 4th day
colostrum, and so on and so forth, but I suppose that Peter, who posed the original question (just in case you forgot due to the informational overkill of this not even half-done write-up), and the rest of you have enough to think about for the coming week. Ah... and in case you can't get enough of milk (I mean metaphorically) just pose another, hopefully more concrete "Ask Dr. Andro"
question in the comment area or on the SuppVersity's facebook page ;-)
Nature gave you a strong immune defense network, but that system gets depleted as you age. Normal physical and mental stress can also wear down your defenses. Colostrum is the only supplement you can take to add back antibodies and action support in the bloodstream and also in the GI tract. It helps maintain a robust intestinal lining and promote healthy intestinal flora. Colostrum Plus supports muscle growth.
Colostrum provides over 100 beneficial components including several growth factors and cytokine precursors that you can't get from any other supplement to enhance stamina and support normal re-growth of lean muscle and tissue. Clinical studies show wide ranging health benefits for Colostrum including a significant increase in lean body mass and increases in anaerobic power, performance time, and sprint performance when compared to whey. Clinical studies also demonstrate the superiority of the ingredient in Symbiotics Colostrum Plus over other Colostrum sources.
Symbiotics guarantees per serving minimums of 1.5% Lactoferrin (14 mg), 25% Immunoglobulins (240 mg IG), and 3% Proline-Rich Polypeptides (29 mg PRP), Colostrum's most important component. Our unique Bio-lipid coating insures bioavailability. Without this protective layer, other Colostrums can be destroyed by stomach acids and offer limited benefit. We use only the first 2 milkings to guarantee potency and quality. Quality and Purity Guaranteed – We guarantee that this product meets the highest standards of quality, purity and freshness. Each bottle is safety sealed with an outer neckband. Do not use if neckband is broken or missing.
Nutrition Facts †Serving Size 1/3 ScoopServings Per Container 620 | ||
Amount Per Serving | ||
Serving | % DV | |
Colostrum Plus | 960 mg | - |
*percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. | ||
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. †Nutritions Facts are a simulation of the product "Nutrition Label". For the actual Nutrition Label please refer to the product packaging. |
Mix 1/3 scoop twice daily with water or your drink of choice, on a empty stomach. (3 g scoop included). Triple this amount in times of environmental or physical stress. For children, cut these servings sizes in half. For athletic training and recovery purposes, it is safe to ingest up to 7 scoops (21 g) per day.Warnings
Suitable for lactose-free diets. Contains milk. Close tightly and store in a dry place at room temperature.Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Monday, April 21, 2014
Athlete Certified Nutrition Carniplex 90
How is Carniplex different than your current L-Carnitine supplement?
First, if you are taking free form L-carnitine; your supplement is essentially a waste as it is the accepted standard that only 14-18% of free-form L-carnitine is absorbed. If your L-carnitine product contains either free form L-carnitine alone or free form L-carnitine as part of a magical combination done for nothing more than to get you excited about more forms of L-carnitine (in other words, its marketing!) then you should ditch that product immediately. In that sense, this is the single-most bioavailable carnitine complex on the market.
Defy Aging with L-Carnitine
Age-related declines in mitochondrial function and increases in mitochondrial oxidant production are thought to be important contributors to the adverse effects of aging. Tissue L-carnitine levels have been found to decline with age in humans & animals. One study found that feeding aged rats acetyl-L-carnitine (ALCAR) reversed the age-related declines in tissue L-carnitine levels and also reversed a number of age-related changes in liver mitochondrial function; however, high doses of ALCAR increased liver mitochondrial oxidant production. ALCAR supplementation in rats has also been shown to improve or reverse age-related mitochondrial declines in skeletal and cardiac muscle.
Unique Properties of ALCAR
Acetyl-L-Carnitine is a modified amino acid that supports cellular energy production by assisting in the transport of fat into the mitochondria where it is oxidized & converted into ATP (chemical energy for the cell). Acetyl-L-Carnitine is in a highly bioavailable form of L-Carnitine that can cross the blood-brain barrier, where it exerts an antioxidant effect, helps to maintain healthy cellular energy metabolism and
supports brain function.
Mike Rashid's Muscle Genes Results w Dan Rearden
Mike Rashid
Why do I need a MuscleGenes Gene Test?
1. You have a road map to your goals when you know your genetic information, so you’ll actually be guided without the guess work!
2. If you are unlikely to respond to certain types of training, why do it?
3. Why train in the morning if your body responds better to training at night?
4. Why drop carbohydrates if you’re efficient at switching to fat metabolism?
5. There are specific supplements that will help you achieve your physical goals, and you need to know what they are!
6. You worry about cortisol, but should you?
7. You get confused about how often you should train, yet your genes can help with that!
8. You worry about your ability to recover, and some people need to recover, others don’t need to worry. Why guess, when MuscleGenes can tell you?
9. You feel that being overweight means you’re not a good athlete, yet it might just mean you have great endurance capabilities, so your body stores energy easily. Wouldn’t that be empowering to know?
10.Every last percent you can gain, is important to you, and you need to let us interpret your genes to strive for that!
2. If you are unlikely to respond to certain types of training, why do it?
3. Why train in the morning if your body responds better to training at night?
4. Why drop carbohydrates if you’re efficient at switching to fat metabolism?
5. There are specific supplements that will help you achieve your physical goals, and you need to know what they are!
6. You worry about cortisol, but should you?
7. You get confused about how often you should train, yet your genes can help with that!
8. You worry about your ability to recover, and some people need to recover, others don’t need to worry. Why guess, when MuscleGenes can tell you?
9. You feel that being overweight means you’re not a good athlete, yet it might just mean you have great endurance capabilities, so your body stores energy easily. Wouldn’t that be empowering to know?
10.Every last percent you can gain, is important to you, and you need to let us interpret your genes to strive for that!
DNA Testing,
Mike Rashid,
Thursday, April 17, 2014
PrimaForce Citrulline Malate
- Increase Endurance
- Decrease Fatigue
- Decrease Muscle Soreness
Citrulline Malate is a compound consisting of Citrulline, a nonessential amino acid that is primarily found in melons, and malate, an apple derivative. For the past 20 years Citrulline Malate has been used in Europe to treat fatigue, muscle weakness and Dementia. Dementia is a mental disorder that affects your ability to think, speak and move. Citrulline Malate has been used with great success by European clinicians as a natural antiasthenic, with reported results of increased energy and overall feelings of well-being.
Nitric oxide is the cell-signaling molecule that has a part in regulating blood flow, oxygen delivery, glucose uptake, muscle firepower, and muscle growth. Obviously the ability to control these physiological effects can be of tremendous value to athletes.
Research has shown that supplementation of Citrulline raises Arginine levels more effectively than taking the same dose of straight Arginine. Keep in mind that Citrulline Malate’s NO enhancing properties are just one of the unique benefits this nutrient offers to athletes. And if the enhanced pumps and improved nutrient delivery properties are the reason you are using Arginine based NO products, you need to pay attention to Citrulline Malate.
No doubt there is a lot to get excited about when it comes to the performance enhancing potential of Citrulline Malate and how it works. Another study showed yet another way Citrulline Malate can benefit athletes – by increasing aerobic energy production. Studies show subjects using Citrulline Malate have an increase in the rate of muscle ATP (Andenosine Triphosphate, the major energy source within the cell) production during exercise and greater phosphocreatine recovery after exercise. So taking Citrulline Malate may result in muscles that can keep on going and going… completely smashing the aerobic threshold! These effects are more than likely mediated by the malate portion of the Citrulline Malate compound, which is a Krebs Cycle intermediate.
Bendahan D, Mattei JP, Ghattas B, Confort-Gouny S, Le Guern ME, Cozzone PJ (Aug 2002). ”Citrulline/malate promotes aerobic energy production in human exercising muscle”. Br J Sports Med 36 (4): 282–9. doi:10.1136/bjsm.36.4.282. PMC 1724533. PMID 12145119.Nutrition Facts †Serving Size 1 ScoopServings Per Container 100 | ||
Amount Per Serving | ||
Serving | % DV | |
L-Citrulline-DL-Malate (1:1) | 2000 mg | - |
*percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. | ||
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. †Nutrition Facts are a simulation of the product's "Nutrition Label". For the actual Nutrition Label please refer to the product packaging. |
As a dietary supplement consume 1-3 servings before and during exercise.Warnings
Not intended for use by persons under the age of 18. If you are pregnant or nursing or are taking any prescription medications, consult your healthcare professional before using this or any other dietary supplement product. Immediately discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place and avoid excessive heat.Primaforce Creatinol-O-Phosphate 100 grams
Despite the similar name, Creatinol-O-Phosphate (COP) is not creatine. While compounds share structural similarities, they are different compounds with different effects. COP is now gaining traction as an ergogenic aid that may be useful for athletes and bodybuilders.
What does Creatinol-O-Phosphate do?
- Supports increases in strength*
- Acts as an intracellular buffer to help clear lactic acid which can limit performance during training.*
- Promotes improved performance by increasing anaerobic glycolysis.*
- Supports recovery.*
COP is approximately 60% bioavailable and thus a dosage of approximately 2g per day should provide an effective oral dose.
While COP has a similar name to creatine, it acts differently than creatine to support performance, strength, and enhance recovery.* In fact, it may actually be useful as an adjunct to enhance the ergogenic effects of creatine!*
Take 2 grams per day.Warnings
You should not take Creatinol-O-Phosphate if you have any prior medication condition, and should always consult your health practitioner before beginning any exercise or supplementation program. Creatinol-O-Phosphate is not suitable as a sole source of nutrition and should be used in conjunction with an appropriate physical training or exercise program. Not suitable for children under the age of 18 years or pregnant women. The statements on this label have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Adminstration. Creatinol-O-Phosphate is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.Nutrition Facts †Serving Size 2 gServings Per Container 50 | ||
Amount Per Serving | ||
Serving | % DV | |
Creatinol-O-Phosphate | 500 mg | - |
*percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. | ||
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. †Nutrition Facts are a simulation of the product's "Nutrition Label". For the actual Nutrition Label please refer to the product packaging. |
Two Home Dumbbell Workout Routines
Standing DB curl -- 3 sets/12 reps
Standing overhead DB press- 3 sets/ 12 reps
Bent over DB rows -- 3 sets/ 12 reps
Flat Bench DB press 3 sets/ 12 reps
DB squats -- 3 sets/ 12 reps
DB tricep supine (skull crushers) -- 3 sets/ 12 reps
Standing DB Side Raise -- 3 sets/ 12 reps
DB twist curls -- 3 sets/ 12 reps
DB lunges- 3 sets/ 12 reps
Incline Bench DB press- 3 sets/ 12 reps
One are triceps extension- 3 sets/ 12 reps
Lawnmowers (one arm rows)- 3 sets/ 12 reps
Standing overhead DB press- 3 sets/ 12 reps
Bent over DB rows -- 3 sets/ 12 reps
Flat Bench DB press 3 sets/ 12 reps
DB squats -- 3 sets/ 12 reps
DB tricep supine (skull crushers) -- 3 sets/ 12 reps
Standing DB Side Raise -- 3 sets/ 12 reps
DB twist curls -- 3 sets/ 12 reps
DB lunges- 3 sets/ 12 reps
Incline Bench DB press- 3 sets/ 12 reps
One are triceps extension- 3 sets/ 12 reps
Lawnmowers (one arm rows)- 3 sets/ 12 reps
Goblet Squat 4x20
Plank Row 4x10-15
Chest Press/Pullover Combo 4x12
Standing One Arm Shoulder Press 4x15
Lying Tricep
Extensions 4x10
Alternating Supinated
Dumbbell Curls 4x10
Single Leg Calf
Raises 4x15
Weighted Ab
Crunches 4x25
Mike Chang's Afterburn Pre Workout Fuel
The Ultimate Muscle Mass Shortcut? Are you ready to really see some KILLER results from your Afterburn Training? Want to know the secret behind getting the same results you see in most of the testimonial photos on the Internet? Your wait is over. Mike Chang's brand new Afterburn Fuel pre-workout supplement is now available and the reviews are freaking amazing! Now it's easier than ever (for those who know) to get quicker results and maximize the amazing benefits of the Afterburn Effect.
If you're serious about getting to your goal physique in a hurry, adding this powerful pre-workout supplement will do more than most people can even imagine. Simple as that. Afterburn Fuel can jumpstart your training and get your body turning heads everywhere you go.
In simple terms, Mike Chang's pre-workout powder is designed to give you more energy, so you can push harder and longer through intense exercise workouts. It’s also designed to help create greater muscular pumps that efficiently promotes faster muscle growth. In other words, taking #AfterburnFuel will give you better, faster results with less workouts. Oh, and you won't believe the "pump" you'll see in your muscles after taking this stuff! Everyone you know will definitely notice.
If you're ready to join the others who have decided to take control of their health and transform their body in to the physique of their dreams click above to order your own supply of Mike Chang's Afterburn Pre-workout Fuel and make this life-changing dream a reality. Today is the day to make it happen. No more excuses.
Suggested Use:
Mike Chang's Afterburn Pre-Workout Fuel is an intense pre-workout supplement and should be taken on workout days only. For High Intensity Athletes Only - Take double serving according to your body weight. Take 15 minutes before working out with 8oz. water. For scoop amounts, please use as directed below.Use 1/2 Scoop 150lbs. or under!
Use 1 Scoop 151lbs to 200lbs.!
Use 1 1/2 Scoop 201 to 250 + lbs.!
This product is only intended for use by healthy adults over 18 years of age. Do not take this product with alcohol. Do not take this product with any product containing caffeine or other ingredients that have a known stimulant effect. Consult your physician before using this product if you are taking any prescriptions or over-the-counter medications or supplements. Do not use this product if you are pregnant or are nursing. Do not use this product if you are at risk or are being treated for any medical conditions including, but not limited to: high or low blood pressure; cardiac arrhythmia; stroke; heart, liver. Kidney or thyroid disease; seizure disorder; psychiatric disease; diabetes; difficulty urinating due to prostate enlargement or if you are taking a MAO inhibitor. Discontinue use and consult your health care professional if you experience any adverse reaction to this product. Do not exceed recommended serving size or suggested use. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Allergen warning: this product was produced in a facility that may also process ingredients containing milk, egg, soybean, shellfish, fish, tree nuts, and peanuts.Fruit Punch †Serving Size 1 Scoop (10grams)Servings Per Container 20 | ||
Amount Per Serving | ||
Serving | % DV | |
Calories | 5 | - |
Calories From Fat | 3.5 | |
Total Fat | 0.4 | |
Saturated Fat | 0 | |
Cholesterol | 0 | |
Sodium | 30 mg | 1.000% |
Total Carbohydrate | 1 g | 1.000% |
Sugars | 1 g | - |
Dietary Fiber | 0 | |
Protein | 0 | |
Potassium | 0 mg | NA |
Afterburn Proprietary Blends | ||
Get Jacked Matrix 10g
Creatinol O Phosphate (C.O.P.), Creatine, Magna Power Magnesium Chelate, L-Arginine Alpha Keto Glutarate (AAKG), Beta-Alanine (Carnosyn) Agmatine Sulfate, Citruline Malate, Histidine AKG, L-Taurine, Glycerol, Norvaline, Vanadyl Sulfate, (Vanadium)
| ||
Cognitive And Focus Matrix
Methylxanthine (Caffeine Anydrous), N-Methyltyramine, Acetyl L-Carntine, L-Tyrosine, CDP Choline (Stabalized Cytidine 5'diphosphocholine), Pirecetam.
| ||
Additional Ingredients
Citric Acid, Glucose Polymers, Natural & Artificial Flavor, Sucralose, FD&C Red #40.
| ||
*percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. | ||
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. †Nutrition Facts are a simulation of the product's "Nutrition Label". For the actual Nutrition Label please refer to the product packaging. |
Mike Chang,
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