Tuesday, July 31, 2018

August 2018 Workout Plan - 4-Day Split and Tabata

Sample Tabata Workouts

Suspension Trainer Push-up

Goblet Squat
Suspension Trainer Reverse Flyes

Jumping Jacks

Battle Ropes
Jumping Jacks

Sumo Squat
High Knees


Jumping Jack
Goblet Squat
High Knees

Arm Training
TRX Tricep/Bicep Superset
Strength Band Pressdown/Hammer Curl
Strength Band Kickback/ Behind the Back Curl
Dumbbell Curl/Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extension

Leg Pump - Blood Flow Restricted
Bodyweight Squat
Bodyweight Calf Raises

Compex Muscle Stimulator

Friday, July 27, 2018

Thyroid Support Stack

The below products should be studied carefully and only taken as directed under the supervision of a physician.

Information found on whey2muscle/helpyougetgains is meant for educational and informational purposes only, and to motivate you to make your own health care and dietary decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with your health care provider. It should not be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis or courses of treatment.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Excerpt from The effects of Testosterone by John Connor 300 mg vs 600 mg

If a first time user wanted to use 600 mg of cypionate or enanthate per week he would inject 300 mg on Tuesday and another 300 mg on Saturday each week for 10 weeks.
12 men participated in the 300 mg group and 13 men in the 600 mg group.
600mg of Testosterone a week for 20 weeks resulted in the following benefits. Increased fat free mass, muscle strength, muscle power, muscle volume, hemoglobin and IGF-1.
The same 600 mg administration resulted in 2 side effects. HDL cholesterol was negatively correlated and 2 men developed acne.
The normal range for total T in men is 241-827 ng/dl according to Labcorp and 260-1000 ng/dl according to Quest Laboratories. The normal range for IGF-1 is 81-225 according to Labcorp. Total T and IGF-1 levels were taken after 16 weeks and resulted in the following;
Total Testosterone
300 mg group-1,345 ng/dl a 691 ng increase from baseline
600 mg group-2,370 ng/dl a 1,737 ng increase from baseline

300 mg group-388 ng/dl a 74 ng increase from baseline
600 mg group-304 ng/dl a 77 ng increase from baseline
Body composition was measured after 20 weeks.
Fat Free Mass by underwater weighing
300 mg group-5.2kg (11.4lbs) increase
600 mg group-7.9kg (17.38lbs) increase

Fat Mass by underwater weighing
300 mg group-.5kg (1.1lbs) decrease
600 mg group-1.1kg (2.42lbs) decrease

Thigh Muscle Volume
300 mg group-84 cubic centimeter increase
600 mg group-126 cubic centimeter increase

Quadriceps Muscle Volume
300 mg group-43 cubic centimeter increase
600 mg group-68 cubic centimeter increase

Leg Press Strength
300 mg group-72.2kg (158.8lbs) increase
600 mg group-76.5kg (168.3lbs) increase

Leg Power
300 mg group-38.6 watt increase
600 mg group-48.1 watt increase

300 mg group-6.1 gram per liter increase
600 mg group-14.2 gram per liter increase

Plasma HDL Cholesterol
300 mg group-5.7 mg/dl decrease
600 mg group-8.4 mg/dl decrease

300 mg group-7 of the 12 men developed acne
600 mg group-2 of the 13 men developed acne
There were no significant changes in PSA or liver enzymes at any dose up to 600mg. However, long-term effects of androgen administration on the prostate, cardiovascular risk, and behavior are unknown. The study demonstrated that there is a dose dependent relationship with testosterone administration. In other words the more testosterone administered the greater the muscle building effects and potential for side effects.
Pharmacokinetics of Testosterone cypionate Injection

Source: Schulte-Beerbuhl, 1980 Figure. Pharmacokinetics of 200mg Testosterone cypionate injection. Source: Comparison of Testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, luteinizing hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone in serum after injection of Testosterone enanthate or Testosterone cypionate. Schulte-Beerbuhl M, Nieschlag E. Fertility and Sterility 33 (1980) 201-3.

Sample cycle with ancillaries

Sunday 10mg Aromasin
Monday 10mg Aromasin/500iu HCG
Tuesday 10mg Aromasin/300mg Enanthate
Wednesday 10mg Aromasin
Thursday 10mg Aromasin
Friday 10mg Aromasin/500iu HCG
Saturday 10mg Aromasin/300mg Enanthate

I recommend the following PCT protocol for esters like Cypionate and Enanthate;
While the aas ester is clearing : 2500iu HCG every third day for 2 weeks. (You may use less HCG if your testes are normal in size AND you have been using HCG on cycle, i.e. 1,000iu HCG every third day.)
100/100/100/50 Clomid (50mg taken twice per day weeks 1-3 AFTER the aas ester clears)
20mg/20mg/20mg Aromasin (20mg daily for 3 weeks)
3g Vit C every day split in 3 doses
10g creatine daily

1.Testosterone dose-response relationships in healthy young men;
2.Pharmacokinetics and Dose Finding of a Potent Aromatase Inhibitor, Aromasin (Exemestane), in Young Males
3.Low-Dose Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Maintains Intratesticular Testosterone in Normal Men with Testosterone-Induced Gonadotropin Suppression
4.Use of clomiphene citrate to reverse premature andropause secondary to steroid abuse.
5.Changes in the Endocrinological Milieu After Clomiphene Citrate Treatment for Oligozoospermia: The Clinical Significance of the Estradiol/Testosterone Ratio as a Prognostic Value
6.Testicular steroidogenesis after human chorionic gonadotropin desensitization in rats.
7.Effect of tamoxifen on GH and IGF-1 serum level in stage I-II breast cancer patients
8.Treatment of gynecomastia with tamoxifen: A double-blind crossover study
9.Role of testosterone/estradiol ratio in predicting the efficacy of tamoxifen citrate treatment in idiopathic oligoasthenoteratozoospermic men.


Testosterone dose-response relationships in healthy young men. - NCBI

by S Bhasin - ‎2001 - ‎Cited by 750 - ‎Related articles
Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2001 Dec;281(6):E1172-81. Testosterone dose-response relationships in healthy young men. Bhasin S(1), Woodhouse L, ...

Full Text

Testosterone dose-response relationships in healthy young men ...

by S Bhasin - ‎2001 - ‎Cited by 755 - ‎Related articles

Dec 1, 2001 - Testosterone dose-response relationships in healthy young men. Shalender Bhasin, Linda Woodhouse, Richard Casaburi, Atam B. Singh, ...

Additional Resources:

The impact of an aromatase inhibitor on body composition and ...

Clomiphene increases free testosterone levels in men with ... - Nature

https://www.nature.com › international journal of impotence research › original research

Friday, July 20, 2018

Escalating Density Training (EDT)

Muscle Logic: Escalating Density Training by Charles Staley


Each workout will consist of two zones (A and B).

Each zone will have at least two exercises.

You alternate the reps for each exercise with no rest for 15 minutes per zone.

When the 15 minutes are up You rest for 5 minutes and begin zone B.

Next time you repeat this workout attempt to beat the record.


            Zone A:

                        Goblet Squat                         10 reps

                        Overhead Dumbbell Press 10 reps

                                    Repeat for 15 minutes

            Rest 5 minutes

            Zone B:

                        Dumbbell Incline Press      10 reps

                        Pull-Up                                  10 reps          
                                    Repeat for 15 minutes

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Goal: 5000 Point Fitocracy Workout (Previous Example)

helpYOUgetGAINS tracked Workout for 4,094 pts   May 26, 2018

Suspension Trainer Inverted Rows
20 reps 32
30 reps 48

Suspension Trainer Power Pull
5 reps 67
5 reps 67
10 reps 113
10 reps 113

Barbell Deadlift
145 lb x 5 reps 70
145 lb x 5 reps 70
145 lb x 5 reps 70
145 lb x 5 reps 70

Suspension Trainer Reverse Flyes
17 reps 201
17 reps 201
17 reps 201
17 reps 201
17 reps 201

Suspension Trainer Triceps Extension
20 reps 209
20 reps 209
20 reps 209
20 reps 209
20 reps 209

Suspension Trainer Biceps Curl
10 reps 16
10 reps 16
10 reps 16
20 reps 32
20 reps 32

Hammer Dumbbell Curl
30 lb x 20 reps 21
30 lb x 20 reps 21
30 lb x 10 reps 19
30 lb x 10 reps 19

Cable Hammer Curls - Rope Attachment
30 lb x 25 reps 11
30 lb x 25 reps 11

EZ-Bar Curl
45 lb x 15 reps 16
Close-Grip EZ Bar Curl
45 lb x 15 reps (PR) 16

Band Pull Aparts
10 reps | 1/2-inch band 6
10 reps | 1-inch band 70
10 reps | 1 and 3/4-inch band 70

One-Arm Dumbbell Floor Press
25 lb x 10 reps 59
25 lb x 30 reps 80
35 lb x 15 reps 74
35 lb x 20 reps 80
60 lb x 5 reps 72
60 lb x 10 reps (PR) 95

Suspension Trainer Reverse Flyes
20 reps 228
20 reps (PR) 228

Band Pull Aparts
20 reps | 1/2-inch band 13

Friday, July 6, 2018

7-Keto DHEA for Fat Loss

A typical supplemental dosage of 7-keto is 200-400mg daily in two divided doses (100-200mg), some limited evidence suggests that lower doses of 50-100mg may be effective for neural purposes.

The optimal dosing schedule and overall dose of 7-keto is not yet known, and the above dosages are just based on what is known to have efficacy.

7-Keto DHEA is a metabolite of DHEA that is non-hormonal, and it appears to be a fat loss agent as it may increase the metabolic rate. Studies in humans show promise for helping during a fat loss diet, but currently are of questionable quality due to potential conflicts of interest.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

July 2018 Workout Plan - A Tabata Everyday

This month I will do at least one Tabata workout everyday.

Sample Workouts

Suspension Trainer Push-up

Goblet Squat
Suspension Trainer Reverse Flyes

Jumping Jacks

Battle Ropes
Jumping Jacks

Sumo Squat
High Knees


Jumping Jack
Goblet Squat
High Knees

Arm Training
TRX Tricep/Bicep Superset
Strength Band Pressdown/Hammer Curl
Strength Band Kickback/ Behind the Back Curl
Dumbbell Curl/Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extension

Leg Pump - Blood Flow Restricted
Bodyweight Squat
Bodyweight Calf Raises