Sunday, December 25, 2016

MYO-Reps for Developmental Hypertrophy is an Intense Workout

MYO-Reps developed by Borge A. Fagerli gives you maximum intensity in a short period of time.

A typical MYO set involves 5 mini sets.

MYO-Reps is said to mimic occlusion training without the use of cuffs.

MYO-Reps activates muscle satellite cells.

MYO-Reps are auto-regulating. (see source for explanation)

Typical set looks this way.

Pick a weight that you can get 9-20 reps with depending on the exercise you are doing. The intensity should bring you close to failure on the last 1 or 2 reps.

Do 9-20 reps. This is your “activation set” where you achieve full muscle fiber recruitment.

Rack the weight. Take 5 deep breathes.

Do 3-5 reps. Choose the amount of reps. If 5 stick with 5 reps.

Rack the weight. Take 5 deep breathes.

Do 3-5 reps.

Rack the weight. Take 5 deep breathes.

Do 3-5 reps.

Rack the weight. Take 5 deep breathes.

Do 3-5 reps.

If at any time you are unable to get the full amount of reps taken, end the set.

Example: Reps 10+5+5+5+5

10 reps.

5 breathes.

5 reps.

5 breathes.

5 reps.

5 breathes.

5 reps.

5 breathes.

5 reps.

As with many things in bodybuilding, experiment and find what works for you.
