That was the
result of a 2009 study published in the Journal of the
International Society of Sports Nutrition.
The study
lasted 8 weeks and involved 36 resistance trained men. Participants received
either 14 grams of Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA), 28 grams of whey protein or
28 grams of a carbohydrate drink.
At the end
of the study the BCAA group gained 8 pounds of lean muscle mass versus 2 pounds
for the whey group and 2 pounds for the carbohydrate group. The BCAA group also
experienced greater reductions of body fat and greater strength
My favorites
Gaspari Aminolast
Inner Armour
BCAA PEAKCytosport Monster Aminos
USPLabs Modern BCAA
Vitaminshoppe BodyTech BCAA Powder
Allmax Nutrition Aminocore
BSN Aminox
Optimum Nutrition Amino Energy
Dymatize Nutrition Elite Recoup
If you aren’t
seeing the gains you think you should, maybe try a BCAA cycle.