Beta-Hydroxybutrate (BHB) 5 – 10 grams
Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) 3 – 7 grams
Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) 5 – 10 grams
β-Methylbutyrate (HMB) 1
– 3 grams
Hydromax Glycerol 1
– 2 grams
L-Carnitine 500
mg – 3 grams
Start Extremely Low ( less than half of the initial servings on BHB and MCT and then slowly increase) due to the laxative effect.
Start Extremely Low ( less than half of the initial servings on BHB and MCT and then slowly increase) due to the laxative effect.
Circa 1900: The no-breakfast plan and the fasting-cure #IntermittentFasting— #HelpYouGetGAINS (@helpYOUgetGAINS) December 1, 2016