Wednesday, September 5, 2018

September 2018 Workout Plan - Full Body - Upper/Lower - HIIT Split

Full Body Lactic Acid Training Day
12 Squats
            Rest 60 seconds
12 Pulls
            Rest 60 seconds
12 Deadlifts
            Rest 60 seconds
12 Pushes
            Rest 60 seconds

Rest 2 minutes and repeat for a total of 3 rounds.


Escalating Density Training (EDT)
Dumbbell Deadlift
Dumbbell Squat
Straight Arm Pulldowns
Band Chest Press

HIIT (cycle) 20 minutes

Upper Body Training Day
            6 reps rest 30 seconds
            12 reps rest 30 seconds
            25 reps rest 30 seconds

                               6 pull-ups / 12 t-bar rows / 25 straight arm pull downs
                                    6 floor presses /  12 push-ups / 25 band chest presses
                                    6 overhead presses / 12 reverse flyes / 25 lateral raises
                                    6 squats / 12 romanian / 25 calf raises

Lower Body Training
            6 reps rest 30 seconds
            12 reps rest 30 seconds
            25 reps rest 30 seconds


                                    6 squats / 12 romanian deadlifts / 25 calf raises

Steady State 15 - 20 minutes alternating after an upper body and lower body workout.