Goblet Squat
6 – 10 reps
Leg Press
3 – 8 reps
Dumbbell Incline Press
6 – 10 reps
Arnold Press
6 – 10 reps
Dumbbell Row
6 – 10 reps
Dumbbell Deadlift
6 – 10 reps
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
6 – 10 reps
Dumbbell Calf Raise
10- 20 reps
Set up:
Grab a set
of dumbbells that challenge you on the incline press. The incline press will be
done seated in the leg press machine.
Do a complete
circuit then rest 2 minutes or more. The goal is to get 3 – 5 circuits done.
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Fitocracy: helpYOUgetGAINS
Twitter: @helpYOUgetGAINS
Fitocracy: helpYOUgetGAINS