Giant swelling in bodybuilder's liver 24.03.2013
Overdose of Melanotan-II causes muscle breakdown 14.03.2013
Steroids use masked TB in bodybuilder 21.02.2013
Synthol demolishes muscle tissue 24.01.2013
Liver cancer from anabolic steroids 29.09.2012
High dose of Lasix paralyses bodybuilder 22.12.2011
Quad full of pus 30.10.2011
Diabetes from taking trenbolone? 22.07.2011
This is what 15 mg dbol a day does to your sperm 18.07.2011
Bodybuilder's hormones still off balance three years after last cycle 14.07.2011
Chemical bodybuilder wakes up after weeks in coma 10.05.2011
Sesame oil injections cause fatty lumps in your pecs 05.02.2011
Confused lung doctors think primobolan is bad for lungs 03.09.2010
Cold sore makes injecting steroids riskier 24.08.2010
Case study: steroids zits made worse by roaccutane 26.07.2010
Testosterone too dangerous for older men – trial stopped 21.07.2010
Lancet: link between prostate cancer and steroids in bodybuilder 25.06.2010
Single dose of triptorelin gets bodybuilder's hormones going again 22.06.2010
Steroids + no training = worthless muscles 03.05.2010
Needle swelling in bodybuilders misleads doctors 18.01.2010
Mysterious death of scared steroids user 16.11.2009
Four percent of bodybuilders go off the rails on 600 mg testosterone cypionate a week 10.09.2009
Anabolic steroids almost kill bodybuilder pro during operation 19.06.2009
Dinitrocresol, the dreaded brother of killer drug DNP 10.06.2009
Steroids lead to lopsided face 24.05.2009
Testosterone supplement causes aggressive prostate cancer 16.04.2009
Bodybuilding champion undergoes heart transplant 11.04.2009
More damaged livers from superdrol and madol 14.03.2009
Bloody cysts in the lungs cost bodybuilder his life 13.03.2009
Deca-use may hide tuberculosis 13.02.2009
Bodybuilder's muscle withers after site injection of stanozolol 05.02.2009
Ephedrine and steroid mix proved fatal for fitness champion 19.01.2009
Ursodeoxycholic acid restores anabolic liver 18.12.2008
Testosterone doesn’t make everyone a jerk 17.12.2008
Nolvadex may be as dangerous as DES hormone for female bodybuilders 14.12.2008
Recovery from mild nandrolone use takes six months 13.12.2008
Blood clots in cerebral membrane 12.12.2008
Prohormone 19NorDiol is an estrogen 08.12.2008
Too much growth hormone reduces life expectancy 07.11.2008
Bodybuilder gets jaundice from creatine and protein supplements 31.10.2008
Bodybuilder on hCG almost loses last testicle 30.10.2008
Death by Naposim 15.10.2008
Myostatin blockers destroy tendons 06.10.2008
Competitive bodybuilder became diabetic 16.09.2008
Bodybuilder drugs his liver to oblivion – twice 03.09.2008
DNP overdose kills bodybuilder 29.08.2008
Extreme acne scars chemical bodybuilder (21) for life 25.08.2008