5-Methyl-7-Methoxyisoflavone is a non-hormonal anabolic / anti-catabolic compound that has been shown to increase protein synthesis.
In addition, it helps preserve bone strength and muscle tendon integrity.
You will benefit from it's ability to improve recovery from your insane workouts.
Stack with Ipriflavone and Ecdysterone
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A Legit Alternative?
In addition, it helps preserve bone strength and muscle tendon integrity.
You will benefit from it's ability to improve recovery from your insane workouts.
Stack with Ipriflavone and Ecdysterone
Other Information:
Clayton's Health Facts: Methoxyisoflavone.
Effects of Methoxyisoflavone, Ecdysterone, and Sulfo ...
Animal Natural AnabolicsA Legit Alternative?
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