Vitamin D3 1,000 – 10,000 IU (see your physician for testing to achieve optimal levels)
K2 (MK7) – 45 mcg
to 185 mcg (Dr. Mercola recommends 150 mcg daily if there are no health
conditions limiting K2 use)
Supporting Information:
Vitamins D3+K2: A Dynamic Bone-Building, Plaque-Fighting Duo ...
Our new Vitamin D3+K2 Gummies for adults combines two essential nutrients for supporting bone health in a single, tasty gummy.* But while almost everyone ...Vitamin K2 Benefits: The Missing Nutrient for Heart and Bone
Jun 27, 2015 - Few people recognize the importance of vitamin K2, which is as ... GARLIC It has been found to regress plaque buildup in the arteries, among ...Protecting Bone and Arterial Health with Vitamin K2 - Life Extension
by W Davis - Related articles
Recent research has revealed that, without vitamin K2, calcium regulation is ..... The possible role of vitamin K2 in preventing coronary plaque development has ...Proper Calcium Use: Vitamin K2 as a Promoter of Bone and ...
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In contrast, vitamin K2 is associated with the inhibition of arterial calcification .... A possible explanation for the negative effects of high-dose (1000 mcg daily), ...The Amazing Tandem of Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 - Mercola Articles
Oct 19, 2013 - That is, only if the artery has not begun to calcify, as the formation of a calcified fibrous cap on top of the arterial plaque deposit prevents further compensatory luminal expansion and therefore is the final, fatal step in the progression of the fatal disease. We also know that vitamin K2activates a protein ...Vitamins D3 and K2 - The Dynamic Duo - Riordan Clinic
As we explore the healing power of higher doses of vitamin D3 at the Riordan Clinic, we have found it prudent to partner the safety and effectiveness of this dynamic duo. For every 5,000–10,000 units of D3 being recommended and tested for, we are recommending 100 mcg of K2 mk7 to be sure and prevent the ...The K2 Revolution....Vitamin D's New Best Friend - Vitamin D Protocol
Vitamin K2 is an important part of any Vitamin D Protocol. Here are the details for doses and what form, MK-4 or MK-7, is best for you.Vitamin D supplements: Are yours helping or hurting you?
Many doctors routinely prescribe high levels of vitamin D supplements, with doses ranging from 2000-10,000 IU (International Units) per day, up to 50,000 IU per week, .... In fact, research in rats has shown that supplementing with vitamin K2 (but not K1) not only inhibits arterial calcification, it can also remove 30-50% of the ...