Friday, August 21, 2015

Notes from Goals by Zig Zigler

Goals by Zig Ziglar

Write down a dream sheet.

Everything in detail: travel, vacation, education, family, health, religion, reading, house, car and all the options, everything, promotions, etc.

When finished, set aside 24 – 48 hours, come back to it later and beside each item write down why you want to have or do it.  If you can’t do this in one sentence, remove the item from the list.

Fear is the reason 97% of all people never set goals.  Fear is:  False Evidence Appears Real.

The Steps.

          Write down the goal.

          Put a Date on it.

          List the obstacles you have to overcome.

          Identify the people, organizations and groups you need to work with.

          Spell out a plan of action.

          Set a time limit.

          Identify all the benefits of achieving your goal.

Yale 1953 study of the graduating class:

          3% took all seven steps to goal setting

          10% took part of the steps

          87% took none or very few of the steps

In 1973, in a follow up study of their career and finances, the 3% who took all seven goal setting steps accomplished more than the 97% combined.

Quote:         J.C. Penney  “Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I’ll give you a man who will make history.  But give me a man without a goal and I'll give you a stock clerk.”

The Seven Steps to Goal Setting:

Identify the goal.

Set a deadline for achievement.

List the obstacles to overcome.

Identify the people and groups to work with.

List the skills and knowledge required for reaching the goal.

Develop a plan of action.

List the benefits.  What’s in it for me.

 In addition to the seven steps of goal setting, there are seven types of goals.








Evaluate yourself from 1 to 5 in each of these seven types of goals (with 5 being excellent).