Source: tracking.
So I decided to try something I saw in a Alex Kikel youtube video. Intermittent fasting combined with yohimbine hcl.
I fasted for as long as I could stand it every day and took 2.5 mg of Primaforce Yohimbine HCL every two hours. The weight loss was drastic but I have no idea how much is water, muscle and fat.
Yohimbine Timing ( starting am)
10, 12, 2
7, 9, 12, 2
7, 9, 12, 2
8, 10, 12
6, 8, 10, 12, 3
7, 9, 11
10, 12, 2
7, 9, 12, 2
5, 7, 9, 12, 2
More Reading:
Yohimbine HCl has a very short half-life of only around 1 – 1.5 hours. This means that after around 3 hours its effects should have worn off entirely.
Is Yohimbine A Fat Burner That Actually Works? | Straight Facts (VIDEO)
True or False: Yohimbine Sheds "Stubborn" Ab & Thigh ... - SuppVersity
Apr 14, 2014 - It's part of the bro-scientific basics: If you use yohimbine, it's effects on the alpha-receptors will help you to preferentially burn "stubborn" body fat ...
Yohimbine as an Ergogenic? 5mg of Yohimbine 2h ... - SuppVersity
Mar 13, 2015 - Many people take yohimbine before cycling, but few know that it's not just increasing fat loss, but also their cycling performance on the bike.
Yerba Mate, Yohimbine & Yucca - Potent Fat or ... - SuppVersity
Jun 15, 2013 - Yerba Mate, Yohimbine & Yucca - Potent Fat or Unhealthy Money Burners? Tea Catechins Were Yesterday, Saponins Are the Future!
Bodybuilder in coma from overdose of yohimbine - Ergo-Log
Mar 18, 2010 - Having problems getting really ripped? Whatever you're thinking of doing, taking enormous doses of yohimbine is not a good idea.
Yohimbine HCL: Yohimbine is an alpha2 receptor antagonist (Kucio, 1991), which means it inhibits the action of the alpha2 receptor. By blocking the alpha2 receptorwith Yohimbine, the negative feedback caused by NE binding to the alpha receptorsis reduced and fatty acid liberation is increased.Jan 7, 2008
Stubborn Fat Stack: Making Your Trouble Areas Disappear!
Yohimbine - Scientific Review on Usage, Dosage, Side Effects ...
Many supplements containing yohimbine either do not list its dose, or its dose ..... Yohimbine is a selective alpha-2 adrenergic receptor antagonist (inactivator), ...
Normal protocol:
How to Take
Recommended dosage, active amounts, other details
Dosages of 0.2mg/kg bodyweight have been successfully used to increase fat burning without significant implications on cardiovascular parameters like heart rate and blood pressure. This results in a dosage of:
14 mg for a 150lb person
18 mg for a 200lb person
22 mg for a 250lb person
Supplementation is most effective between meals or during short term fasting.
Caution should be exercised at higher body weight, since the cardiovascular system may not be prepared to handle a stimulatory agent such as yohimbine. When supplementing yohimbine for the first time, always start with a half-dose and assess tolerance before proceeding.
Caution should also be exercised since many supplements containing yohimbine either do not list how much yohimbine is included, or if they do, the actual dose ranges from 25-150% of the dose listed. Since the dosage may be higher than listed, this is extra reason to start with a lower dose.
When pairing yohimbine with other stimulatory agents, half-dose both supplements and work up to the recommended dose cautiously, as two supplements can interact negatively.