The process is called EMG (Electromyography) and here are the results.
Pectoralis major:
Decline dumbbell bench press - 93%
Decline bench press (Olympic bar) - 89%
Push-ups between benches - 88%
Flat dumbbell bench press - 87%
Flat bench press (Olympic bar) - 85%
Flat dumbbell flys - 84%
Pectoralis minor:
Incline dumbbell bench press - 91%
Incline bench press (Olympic bar) - 85%
Incline dumbbell flys - 83%
Incline bench press (Smith machine) - 81%
Medial deltoids:
Incline dumbbell side laterals - 66%
Standing dumbbell side laterals - 63%
Seated dumbbell side laterals - 62%
Cable side laterals - 47%
Posterior deltoids:
Standing dumbbell bent laterals - 85%
Seated dumbbell bent laterals - 83%
Standing cable bent laterals - 77%
Anterior deltoids:
Seated front dumbbell press - 79%
Standing front dumbbell raises - 73%
Seated front barbell press - 61%
Biceps preacher curls (Olympic bar) - 90%
Incline seated dumbbell curls (alternate) - 88%
Standing biceps curls (Olympic bar/narrow grip) - 86%
Standing dumbbell curls (alternate) - 84%
Concentration dumbbell curls - 80%
Standing biceps curls (Olympic bar/wide grip) - 63%
Standing E-Z biceps curls (wide grip) - 61%
Decline triceps extensions (Olympic bar) - 92%
Triceps pressdowns (angled bar) - 90%
Triceps dip between benches - 87%
One-arm cable triceps extensions (reverse grip) - 85%
Overhead rope triceps extensions - 84%
Seated one-arm dumbbell triceps extensions (neutral grip) - 82%
Close-grip bench press (Olympic bar) - 72%
Latissimus dorsi:
Bent-over barbell rows - 93%
One-arm dumbbell rows - 91%
T-bar rows - 89%
Lat pulldowns to the front - 86%
Seated pulley rows - 83%
Squats (parallel depth, shoulder-width stance) - 88%
Seated leg extensions (toes straight) - 86%
Hack Squats (90 degree angle, shoulder-width stance) - 78%
Leg press (110 degree angle) - 76%
Smith machine squats (90 degree angle, shoulder-width stance) - 60%
Seated leg curls - 88%
Standing leg curls - 79%
Lying leg curls - 70%
Stiff Legged Deadlifts - 63%
Donkey calf raises - 80%
Standing one-leg calf raises - 79%
Standing two-leg calf raises - 68%
Seated calf raises - 61%
2. Fahey, Thomas EdD. 25 best lifts. December, 2001.
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Joint-Friendly Jumping Exercise— #HelpYouGetGAINS (@helpYOUgetGAINS) July 29, 2018
Pushups on your toes imitate benchpress with 60-70% body weight, pushups on your knees imitate benchpress with 40-50% body weight. Apart from that, activation of muscles in both exercises is identical. #helpyougetgains … …— #HelpYouGetGAINS (@helpYOUgetGAINS) August 4, 2018
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