He's Jim Stoppani. The senior science editor of Muscle and Fitness magazine. Who better to listen to than a guy who has a PhD. Dr. Ripped received his doctorate in exercise physiology with a minor in biochemistry from the
University of Connecticut.
He is also a avid bodybuilder and fitness freak. I have found his knowledge to be indespensible.
Check his M&F Raw videos at www.muscleandfitness.com .
His fitness advice site is www.jimstoppani.com.
Below is his awesome book.
Stay strong my friends.
When exercise & #readabookday come together: 10 Great Bodybuilding Books You Should Read- https://t.co/ArMC2uw4R8 pic.twitter.com/xBByFWoIWR— Muscle & Strength (@Muscle_Strength) September 6, 2016