Friday, May 20, 2016

What Weight Training Style Works Best for Strength

Sports scientists at the University of Sao Paulo ran a 12-week study to determine which of three different training styles had an impact on trainee strength. As it turns out non-linear periodization won out. Interestingly enough for bodybuilders there was no impact on muscle size.

The three styles tested were:


Microcycle 1
3 x 8-10RM
Microcycle 2
3 x 8-10RM
Microcycle 3
3 x 8-10RM
Microcycle 4
3 x 8-10RM

Linear periodization

Microcycle 1
3 x 12-15RM
Microcycle 2
3 x 8-10RM
Microcycle 3
3 x 4-5RM
Microcycle 4
3 x 12-8-4RM

Nonlinear periodization

Microcycle 1
3 x 12-15RM
Microcycle 2
4 x 4-5RM
Microcycle 3
3 x 8-10RM
Microcycle 4
3 x 12-8-4RM

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You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius