Omega 3-6-9 –
fish flax and borage
and Condroitin – for my snap city knees
Fiber –
keeps me moving
Ashwaghanda –
really works for me. Tried Rhodiola and it was a no go for me.
SAMe – can never
afford it but man do I feel good with this.
Tumeric – because they keep saying it’s good.
Caffeine –
mood and energy
Whey – It is
the way.
Creatine –
when I want my lifts to go up.
Choline –
liver, mood, cholesterol
Ribose –
expensive but worth it for the energy
Peak ATP –
get it at Swanson Vitamins and use when doing cardio
Magnesium - good sleep and great muscle function
Melatonin - sleep, recovery
Milk Thistle
– the liver is the key to your health.
Stinging Nettle - Testosterone support