Monday, May 26, 2014

SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone: Don't Want to Sacrifice Your Strength on the Altar...

SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone: Don't Want to Sacrifice Your Strength on the Altar...: Women can use creatine, too ;-) It's not too long ago that I'd stuck to the word "creatine" in the headline of today...

Bottom line: Aside from the fact that I deem it necessary to repeat that (a) you don't need anything but pure creatine monohydrate and that (b) it's not necessary to flood the system with 20g of creatine everyday for a whole week, if you are not taking part in a study and need your creatine stores to supersaturate within the next 7 days, I have little to add to the results of this study...

Ok, maybe one thing: If you want to take only two supplements, they must be whey protein and creatine. And honestly, you don't really need anything else.