Gironda recommended this diet for four to six weeks, followed by a mostly vegetarian ?alkalinizing? diet.
Vince's special protein drink
12 oz half and half, 12 raw eggs, 1/3 cup milk-and-egg protein powder, 1 banana. (Make one to three mixtures of this formula and drink throughout the day, between meals, and before retiring)
1 multi-vitamin tablet 3 vitamin A and D tablets or 3 halibut oil capsules 1 vitamin B complex
1 vitamin B-15 tablet 1 vitamin C comlex (300 mg) 2 vitamin E capsules (800 iu)
1 zinc tablet 1 chelated mineral tablets 5 alfalfa tablets
10 kelp tablets 3 tri-germ and wheat germ oil capsules 1 RNA/DNA tablet
3 Lysine tablets
(400 mg) 1 hydrochloric acid tablet
(before meal)
3 digestive enzyme tablets (after meal) 3 multi-glandular tablets
(nucleo glan male or female)
1 pound hamburger or other meat
Mixed greeen salad or raw vegetables
1 iron tablet
4 calcium tablets
Repeat of breakfast vitamins with omission of vitamin E, tri-germ, wheat germ, halibut oil
1 to 2 pound steak or roast meat
Raw or steamed vegetables or salad and cottage cheese
Same as lunch
Special Supplements
10 amino acids and desiccated liver tablets (every 3 hours) 5 yeast tablets with the protein drink
4 raw orchic tissue tablets (before and after workouts)
6 each of the following before retiring: arginine, ortithine, tryptophan, calcium tablets
Splendid Specimens: The History of Nutrition in Bodybuilding