* "Between the WWF, filming, meetings on potential projects,
appearances and everything else, I make it a point to train at least 45 minutes
every single day. The key to my training has to be efficiency - I do a lot of
circuits and supersets, working 1-2 bodyparts a day."
Source Citation (MLA 7th
Carlson, Mike. "M&F + WWE: take a look back at the memorable
collaborations between the world's top fitness magazine and wrestling
organization." Joe Weider's Muscle & Fitness Sept. 2010: 12.
• Not many guys pack three different shaker bottles — or sacrifical supps — in their gym bags, but not many guys have a physique like The Rock's.
Optimum Nutrition Platinum HydroWhey Beta-alanine VPX Redline Con-crét creatine
Gaspari MyoFusion (or if he's on the run, VPX Protein Rush! RTD) Glutamine Beta-alanine Con-crét creatine
EXERCISE SETS REPS Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press 3-5 10-15 Dumbbell or Barbell Front Raise 3-4 10-15 Lateral Raise 3-4 10-15 Bent-Over Lateral Raise or Reverse Pec-Deck Flye 3-4 10-15 Lateral Raise 3-4 20-25 Barbell Shrug 3-4 8-10 Heavy Dumbbell Shrug 3-4 10-12 (no drop set)
Source Citation (MLA 7th
Carlson, Mike. "Domination through determination: Dwayne Johnson has a
vision of creating a better world and a formula to make it happen: bust your ass
at everything you do." Joe Weider's Muscle & Fitness Mar. 2010: 152+.
Popular Magazines. Web. 31 Mar. 2013.