Bottom line: The study at hand adds more and, above all, highly relevant (human study, advanced trainees) evidence that betaine (2.5g/day in two servings) could make a valuable addition to the supplementation regimen of fitness models, physique competitors and bodybuilders, alike.
With its long-proven ability to reduce homocysteine levels () it has also been implicated as an agent that may prevent heart disease... unfortunately, this assumption is based on the hypothesis that homocysteine plays a causative role in the development of heart disease and neither this nor the beneficial effects of choline & betaine on CVD are proven facts (Folsom. 1998; HCS. 2002; Olthof. 2005).
Studies from
Trimethylglycine stimulates muscle growth via IGF-1 20.02.2014
The anabolic effect of betaine 04.11.2013
Betaine gives bodybuilders more muscle and less fat 24.10.2013
Sprint faster with betaine 13.12.2012
Twenty grams of creatine makes you stronger; two grams of betaine doesn't 15.10.2011
Superstack: CLA + betaine 10.05.2009
Trimethylglycine helps you get more reps out of your squats 03.04.2009