recently emailed Dr. Jeff Golini over at All American EFX and asked how to
stack their products for various users.
Jeff is a great guy who runs a great company. I encourage you to support the
Below is his
Hello Mike and sorry it took
me so long to get this answered for you.
Here is how I always
recommend on how to stack our products. A lot of it comes down to one’s
budget, but this is my recommended stacks.
1) The average gym goer just looking to stay in shape.
2 capsules daily (1.5 grams)
VitaDrive (2 capsules daily)
NF Pro (They need
about 1 gram per lb of body weight of protein. Use this at night or after
a workout)
Karbolyn (50 grams/1 scoop before workout on workout out days
2) The bodybuilding - hardgainer - looking to add mass.
(2 caps in the A.M. and 2 caps mid day) 3 grams total
Build (one scoop in the A.M. after breakfast)
Pro (1.5 grams of protein per lb of desired weight. Take about three of
these per day in-between meals
Maker shock if they like preworkouts
(50 grams before a workout and use 50 grams in each of the protein drinks.
2-4 caps per day
2 capsules daily before a workout
3) The bodybuilding - cutter - looking to get lean
Pro. 1.5 grams of protein per lb of weight. Use the protein
in-Between meals
Hard Core. Take 1-2 caps in the A.M.
Regular (take 2 caps before a workout and 2 caps mid-day)
2-4 caps daily
2 caps daily before workout
ERP BCAA (one scoop x 1-3 times per day)
50 grams before a workout
4) The endurance athlete or Crossfit athlete.
2-4 caps daily
50 grams before exercise and also this can be used during the run, etc
2-4 capsules daily
2 caps in the A.M. and 2 caps before training
Pro Use between meals as needed to keep protein up. 1 gram per lb
of body weight
of these people also like Pre-Workouts. So they could also use
Kre-Alkalyn Hardcore or Freak Make Shock
5) The powerlifter
**Kre-Alkalyn (2 caps in the A.M. and 2 caps mid day) 3 grams total
Build (one scoop in the A.M. after breakfast and 1 scoop before bed)
Pro (1.5 grams of protein per lb of desired weight.
Maker shock if they like preworkouts or Kre-Alkalyn Hardcore
(50 grams before a workout and can use through out the meet.
2-4 caps per day
2 capsules daily before a workout
BCAA 1 scoop before workout.