Monday, November 4, 2013

Try Blackstrap Molasses as Your Post-Workout Carb Source

Recovery is key to keeping your gains going and part of that is replenishing carbs leading to muscle glycogen. Next time you are blending your post-workout shake try a tablespoon of molasses.

In addition to it's fast-digesting sugars you will also benefit from the B vitamins, iron, magnesium and potassium. You will not believe the energy levels on your next workout. 

Kadey, Matthew G. "Clean energy: whether you cruise through your day or get stuck in neutral may depend on the fuel you put in your tank. Our 15 energy-boosters can help keep your motor running." Joe Weider's Muscle & Fitness Jan. 2010: 114+.

Tweed, Vera. "Healthy history: the natural products industry began to take shape about 75 years ago, as America's quest for better health was gathering steam. Since then, independent health food stores have propelled that movement into an indispensable part of our culture." Better Nutrition Aug. 2013: 37+.

BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES.Kadey, Matthew.Vegetarian Times (0164-8497)20111101. Iss.389;p.30-31