It has three primary xanthine alkaloids (theobromine, theophylline, caffeine) which provides the energy driver. You will get approximately 85 mg of caffeine versus 100 mg in coffee.
I like to combine it with chia seeds.
Ziegenfuss, Tim N. "Stimulus plan: science is discovering new supplements and foods that can supercharge your brain-muscle connection." Joe Weider's Muscle & Fitness Mar. 2010: 180+.
Kadey, Matthew. "Eat this before your next big event: whether you're running a race or giving a boardroom speech, we've found the foods that can help you feel calm, think clearly, and perform at your best. Dig in!" Shape Nov. 2010: 172+.
Kadey, Matthew G. "Clean energy: whether you cruise through your day or get stuck in neutral may depend on the fuel you put in your tank. Our 15 energy-boosters can help keep your motor running." Joe Weider's Muscle & Fitness Jan. 2010: 114+.
6 Health Benefits of Yerba Mate Tea
Is Yerba Mate Tea Healthy? - Ask Dr. Weil -
Yerba Mate - What You Need to Know
Yerba mate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yerba mate extract benefit, risk, safety, side effects of supplement ...