Thursday, April 24, 2014

SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone: SuppVersity EMG Series - Musculus Pectoralis Major...

SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone: SuppVersity EMG Series - Musculus Pectoralis Major...: Image 1: The pectoralis major. ( Avandäre:Chrizz @ Wikipedia) I don't know about you, but about everyone I know (myself included) ...

An EMG-optimized routineThere is of course a myriad of ways of
combining the individual exercises, my personal recommendation for overall chest
development (based on EMG measures) would yet be as follows

  1. Decline Bench Press (BB) - for overall chest development + strength
    (5-10 reps)
  2. Incline Bench Press at +45° (DB) - to emphasize upper chest (8-12
  3. Cable Cross (making sure to actually cross the cables before your
    torso) - to get a stretch and peak contractions (12-15 reps)
  4. Bodyweight dips - to wear the muscle out (3 sets to failure)