Ergo-Log: Drone milk: boosts testosterone and has an anabolic effect too
Exerpt: Drone milk is not the same as Royal Jelly. Honeybees make Royal Jelly as a special nutrient for the queen bees, but give drone milk to worker bees, or drones. Drones are male and one of their tasks is to provide the sperm to fertilize the queen's eggs.
Drone Milk is available as a supplement on the market. The
Russian company Apidom produces Frozen Drone Larvae Royal Jelly; the Romanian
Biofarm manufactures Apilranil Potent. The Hungarians used fresh drone milk for
their experiments, which they had obtained from a professional beekeeper.
The researchers gave castrated rats 11, 110 or 1100 mg drone
milk per kg bodyweight for 10 days, and discovered that the 110 mg dose had
androgenic and anabolic effects. The human equivalent of this dose would be 17.8
mg per kg bodyweight. So if you weigh 80 kg, you'd need about 1420 mg fresh
drone milk daily.
Drone milk [DM] caused the rats' penis to grow and increased the
weight of their levator ani muscle, both indications of anabolic and
androgenic effects. Synthetic testosterone [T] worked better than drone milk,
and the anti-androgen flutamide
[F] negated the effects of drone milk.
The Effects of Apilarnil (Drone Bee Larvae) Administration ...
by B Yucel - 2011 - Cited by 2 - Related articles
Abstract: This study examined the anabolic and androgenic effects of apilarnil, a bee product on broilers. The study included 40 Ross-308 genotype broilers ...
Apilarnil reduces fear and advances sexual development in ...
by O Altan - 2013 - Related articles
Br Poult Sci. 2013 Jun;54(3):355-61. doi: 10.1080/00071668.2013.791382. Apilarnil reduces fear and advances sexual development in male broilers but has no ...
Increases in testicular weight, testosterone concentration and comb growth in males receiving apilarnil implied that it stimulates the sexual maturation at an early age. However, a similar stimulation of secondary sexual characteristics was not observed in females.