Internal Shoulder Cuff Rotation (Lucky Cat)
5 lb x 10 reps
5 lb x 10 reps
5 lb x 10 reps
Cable External Rotation
5 lb x 10 reps
5 lb x 10 reps
5 lb x 10 reps
Face Pull
10 lb x 10 reps
10 lb x 10 reps
Cable Rope Overhead Triceps Extension
10 lb x 30 reps
10 lb x 30 reps
Standing Biceps Cable Curl
15 lb x 30 reps
15 lb x 30 reps
Dumbbell Bicep Curl
15 lb x 20 reps
Goblet Squat (kettlebell)
20 lb x 10 reps
Light Walking (secondary e.g.
commute, on the job, etc)
Foam Rolling
— Jim Stoppani (@JimStoppani) June 22, 2015
Have #PreJYM #ProJYM train then #PostJYM #ProJYM. Have breakfast 60 minutes after that.
— Jim Stoppani (@JimStoppani) June 22, 2015