This is an exciting sounding new product that was designed by the Anabolics author William Llewellyn. All of the ingredients have been used in products before, but I don't think they have all been combined into one product.
The below information is from the PH Labs website.
AUGMENT™ is a third generation anabolic agent/hormone amplifier developed exclusively for pH Labs by renowned anabolic scientist William Llewellyn. AUGMENT™ works by increasing testosterone and IGF-1 sensitivity in muscle cells after training. These two hormones are the primary regulators of muscle protein synthesis. Increasing their activity within the muscles means more protein can be synthesized, and thus more muscle and strength gained.†
Arachidonic acid, an omega-6 essential fatty acid, is critical for
muscle growth. Release and metabolism of this EFA is directly responsible for
remodeling muscle physiology during the recovery window, where it is a core
regulator of protein synthesis. ARA has also been shown to increase lateral cell
diameter, contractile protein content, and nuclei number in developing muscle
fibers (myotubes). An enhancement of IGF-1 activity is likely responsible for
much of this activity. However, ARA has also been shown to elevate androgen
receptor concentrations in some tissues, suggesting it may support both
testosterone and IGF-1 related anabolic actions. Note that studies show ARA is
depleted from muscle tissue with regular exercise. Therefore, supplementation
can be key to maintaining an optimal ongoing environment for growth within our
muscles. Independent placebo-controlled University studies have also
demonstrated that ARA has ergogenic activity in resistance-trained adults.†
Usrolic acid (3-ß-hydroxy-urs-12-en-28-oic acid) is a pentacyclic
triterpene found widely in various foods, herbs, and plant species. UA is a
highly active natural compound, with antioxidant, hepatoprotective, blood sugar
lowering, cholesterol lowering, antibiotic, and antiviral activity . It also
appears to be notably anabolic. While ursolic acid has a long history of use in
traditional natural medicine, it is very new in bodybuilding and athletic
circles. Its positive effects here, however, have been quickly made apparent.
Much is likely mediated by IGF-1, with studies finding ursolic acid to
substantially increase the signaling capacity of this hormone within skeletal
muscle. On top of this, UA has been shown to inhibit key cellular catabolic
processes, which could otherwise slow the rate of new muscle gain. At least one
study suggests it may also augment androgen receptor concentrations, enhancing
testosterone uptake. With this broad spectrum of localized action, ursolic acid
is an ideal candidate for further shifting the anabolic/catabolic balance during
LCLT is a modified form of the amino acid L-carnitine, in this
case one designed for enhanced delivery and utilization. This ingredient is also
fairly new, though already has compelling data behind it, especially for the
purposes needed with this supplement. In particular, studies have shown that
LCLT is a potent upregulator of muscle androgen receptor density. During
placebo-controlled studies with recreationally trained adult men, 2 grams of
L-carnitine (as LCLT) per day resulted in more than a 15% increase in the number
of androgen receptors within muscle cells. This should equate to a substantial
increase in the uptake and physiological capacity of testosterone in these
tissues. Additional placebo-controlled studies found that LCLT substantially
reduces markers of muscle breakdown following resistance training in both men
and women. These activities allow L-carnitine L-tartrate to work strongly and
synergistically with arachidonic acid and ursolic acid, the three substantially
shifting post-exercise muscle physiology in favor of anabolism.†
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Arachidonic Acid - Kick Start New Muscle Growth