Bodybuilders love it because it improves muscle glucose and creatine uptake when consumed with simple carbs like dextrose.
In addition, ALA is used in some fat-loss products because it reduces the amount of insulin released when carbs are eaten. This increases fat burning and reduces hunger.
The Flex magazine recommended dosage is as follows:
- For increased creatine uptake; 500-600mg with 2-5g of creatine.
- For fat loss and antioxidant protection: 100-300mg two to three times per day
R-Lipoic Acid the better form?
Lipoic acid helps protect against oxidative stress generated by high glucose levels. Alpha-lipoic acid consists of two different forms (isomers) that have vastly different properties. The “R” form is the biologically active component (native to the body) that is responsible for lipoic acid’s phenomenal antioxidant effect.
University of Maryland Medical Center
Webmd ALA page
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